Wrinkled Hands No More

Wrinkled Hands No More


Darryl Swain

Hands are the body parts most affected by age. Much like the skin about the face, the skin on the hands loses its elasticity after some time and develops sags and wrinkles. Wrinkled hands are one of the easiest ways to know how old an individual is.

The causes of Wrinkles

There are many of things that can cause wrinkles, such as certain medications, sun exposure, dehydration, smoking and age. As a person ages, skin becomes thinner and less elastic, which results in wrinkled hands and faces. This process of aging also has a genetic component. Some individuals are simply more prone to getting wrinkles as opposed to others, making wrinkle prevention crucial for maintaining a youthful appearance.

How to Prevent Wrinkles


Exposed skin should always use a moisturizing sunblock put on it. Consider a moisturizer which has a sunscreen factor (SPF) having a minimum of 30 for your hands, face and neck. Avoid exposure to tobacco smoke, even 2nd hand. Just one of the damaging negative effects of cigarettes is it limits circulation to the skin, which sometimes could cause premature aging. Make sure that you stay well hydrated for optimal health and wellness; avoid wrinkled hands by drinking at minimum eight 8-ounce servings of water everyday.

Learn to get Do away with Wrinkles on Hands

Prevention works great for wrinkles which have not yet appeared, but what should people do about wrinkles which have already formed? Luckily, Swiss Genesis offers your solution for people who have wrinkled hands. Their research and development team has created a formulation specially for wrinkled hands that\’s been clinically proven to work. The Hand B-Tox is commonly termed as being like Botox without the hassle.

How Hand B-Tox Works

Like Botox, Hand B-Tox operates by relaxing the muscles that form wrinkles. This results in skin that is definitely softer, smoother and has a lot more youthful appearance. It includes many different patented ingredients including Argireline, Jojoba oil, Shea butter, sunflower oil and Vitamin e d-alpha acetate. The chief ingredient, Argireline, was scientifically designed to mimic Botox and relax muscles in the hands. Relaxing muscles will help to erase wrinkles by preventing the repetitive contractions which will produce wrinkled hands.

Understanding Hand B-Tox

Hand B-Tox is easy to implement and, unlike Botox, doesn\’t require any injections whatsoever. Instead, the hands only need to be washed using a non-soap based cleaner and patted dry. The Hand B-Tox cream is generously smoothed across the hands and allowed to absorb into your skin. Users will see significant results after approximately thirty days of use in the mornings and at night. Their wrinkled hands will gradually be replaced by smoother, younger looking skin. The epidermis will be more elastic and firm because it\’s rejuvenated by hand B-Tox serum.

Hands are generally overlooked in people s daily beauty regime however are often a tell-tale symbol of age. Wrinkled hands don t need to be tolerated when Swiss Genesis posesses a solution without having discomfort related to Botox injections.

Wrinkled hands are among the simplest ways to determine how old a person is. Learn more about the

Wrinkled Hands




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