Prevent Ut Is From Reoccurring In Your Life!

By Steven A Johnson

When talking about general health certain general principles apply to them all. A healthy diet and maintaining the body is essential for the entire body to be healthy. The bladder needs this attention just as much as any other organ. The bladder stores liquids that are then excreted. The bladder should be emptied whether it feels full or not to keep it healthy. Germs and microbes tend to build up if the bladder is not emptied often. This can cause many problems. havingthe proper amount of fluids each day is also going to help flush out those germs and microbes.

Taking a multivitamin each day will profit for the whole body. Cranberry juice (not cocktail) has been known to help allot with bladder health.It works like a natural antibiotic by helping to prevent the germs and microbes from sticking to walls of the bladder. Garlic has also been known to aide in bladder health as well.Vitamin C can help if 500 mg. are taken, but keep in moderation if you have a sensitive stomach.

Some things that can irritate the bladder are caffeine, such as coffee, tea, dark sodas, cough meds, and alcohol. Sometimes certain foods can cause problems too. Like acidic foods such as oranges, grapefruit, lemon, lime, mango, and tomatoes have all been known to also create problems. To help identify any causes of irritation remove any or all of the irritants from your diet for one week to see if the problem is still occurring.Keep note on any changes that happen during this week. Then add one it back in your diet for 3 days then the next item and so on to see if any are the root of the problem.


Another thing that can help to prevent bladder problems are kegal exercises. This helps to prevent leakage by tightening muscles around the urethra. To do kegal exercises squeeze pelvic muscles very quickly and then relax them. To this 3 times with a 10 second rest in-between and then repeat for 10 to 15 minutes twice a day. This can be done while sitting or lying down with your knees up.

The most common problem women get are urinary tract infections also known as UTI. If an infection is suspected or if your urine is not clear seeing a doctor is recommended. Symptoms of a urinary tract infection are a strong urge to go to the bathroom all the time, burning when urinating, passing small amount of urine, blood in the urine, cloudy strong smelling urine, and bacteria in the urine. There is also different kinds of parts of the urinary tract that can get infected, like the kidneys, bladder and urethra. They all have very different symptoms. If kidneys are the problem lower back pain, nausea, vomiting, and high fever can be severe symptoms. If its the bladder it would lower abdominal discomfort, pelvic pressure and a low grade fever.

Sexual activity and certain contraceptives can increase the risk of a UTI. Spermicides, no lubricated condoms, and diaphraims are those contraceptives. Emptying your bladder after sexual contact can help prevent any infections. Wiping from front to back, wearing cotton underwear and using tampons instead of pads will help prevent them as well.

Women are more likely to get a UTI then men are, and women who are premenopausal women are more at risk than others because of incontinence, prolapse, atrophic vaginitis, and prior UTIs. There are medications that can be prescribed for recurrent UTIs. there is also medication that can be taken daily to prevent them and another medication that can be taken after intercourse that also helps prevent against urinary tract infections. Alternative Health Supplements offers a number of natural products that can help prevent and relieve a UTI. One of these products is the Ultimate Urinary Cleanse. It is a combination of herbs that cleanse and tone the urinary tract, bladder and kidneys. it acts as an astringent and has antiseptic principles that help to maintain a healthy flora in theurinary tract.

About the Author: Steven Johnson is interested in maintaining a vital and healthy lifestyle. For more information on various health products and other life-enhancing nutrients please visit his website

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