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byAlma Abell
Laser resurfacing has become a popular method for brown spot removal in Tucson. Sometimes, brown spots are called “age spots” by physicians even though they are not the consequence of aging. They are the body’s response to long exposure to the sun and other environmental conditions. Generally, these spots will show up on a person’s hands or face. The skin will look like it has changed pigments from the normal flesh tone to either a gray or brown pigment. This is a natural response from the body, but it can be an unfortunate condition for a person’s self-esteem.
For someone who wants to remove brown spots, there are over-the-counter treatment methods and many at-home remedies that users have tried. Not many people have found high success rates or notable results through these methods. If none of these removal strategies work, it could be time to seek cosmetic treatment. There are now cosmetic treatments that don’t require surgery and can skill reduce or eliminate brown spots from the skin.
The laser resurfacing treatment uses high-energy light to create brief pulses against the patient’s skin. These pulses allow the skin to absorb the light from the laser through chromophores, which are organic molecules in a person’s skin that cause the skin to be discolored. During this treatment, the light is converted into heat energy. This type of energy vaporizes layers of skin that are already damaged or discolored. Once the skin heals properly following the treatment, and has been given a few days to rejuvenate, the new layer of skin will show visible signs of improvement and quality.Fractional laser skin resurfacing treats many other facets of poor skin aside from just brown spots. The treatment can also help a person’s skin feel smoother and make wrinkles less visible. Some patients will seek this treatment to remove acne scars. Laser1 is a business that offers Brown Spot Removal in Tucson. Their procedure Fraxel is just another name for a laser resurfacing treatment that requires no downtime from the patient who needs to continue working or attending classes during treatment. To find out more about Laser1, click here ( to visit the business’s website.